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Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Thursday, May 15, 2003 7:22 AM on
Ok I'll define life based on what I believe in. In a physical sense it would be any creature or organizm that can move on it's own power by in some way utilizing the resouces around it for energy. That's pretty easy to understand since it's something we can all relate to.

The physical, mental, and spiritual aspects we experience are what bring us life and are what constitutes our existence here in this universe. It's a combination of the physical definition of life and what is sustained by God; which is our link to the spiritual realm. Human beings may not be limited to this universe, for the laws of another world could be completely different in that perhaps only the spiritual aspect is needed for life. So even when the physical body loses it's life we may live.

The definition of life in that realm would be different. We're stuck in the philisophical ideas of this universe and have no idea how to comprehend the unknown. Defining the spiritual life cannot be done under physical terms. The definition may be: A constructed being who has great perception of the world around it, whatever that world may be. Obviously there's much more to it then that however.

When we ask "what is the meaning of life?" we may really be asking "what is life in the spiritual realm?". We cannot fully understand this until we go there, when the truth will be revealed to us. <br>

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Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Thursday, May 15, 2003 8:53 AM on
Keeper, I have to be quick, so here goes....

You cannot acieve infinty with 2 mirrors... No perfect mirrors exist, and energy is depleted with every cycle... No infinity there.. Heck, not even a really long sustinance of such a system is possible. I know it looks like infinity, but it isn't. It would only be infinity if it was self sustaining, and it isn't.

Your arguement about right, wrong and the absolute is an attempt to place human values and beliefs on God.. No such party. God's idea's of balance, and right and wrong are unknown to us mere mortals.. Maybe it will make sense after our fleshy section of life.

God is everything, but I argue that there is no infinty.. I do not believe God is an absolute the way you seem to describe it. God has changed, made desicitions, and interviened on occasion.. Certainly not static as you suggest, but that is because you still believe in infinity, our biggest seperation in our arguments...

We cannot argue along these lines unless you can prove to me that infinty does exist, or I can prove to you that it doesn't... To me God is the uncreated creator, to you this seems impossible, to me, God can do whatever it feels,and therefore it's quite possible.

I struggled with this for years.. "How could there be an edge?" there "must be something beyond that edge" etc... I just couldn't conceve of an end, every wall has two sides on so forth.. The thing is, I was applying human constraints to a godly system... And if you look at the Mobius continum, it shows that both sides of a boundy can occur in the same space.. Poof, the wall has two sides, and they both face me... wild.

I'm sorry that I cannot concentrate well enough, nor do I have enough time to put this together in a better arguemnet while I'm at work.. I look forwrd to whatever dialog we have.

Life to me is any being or form that can reproduce itself. Rocks cannot make new rocks, only fractions of themselves, but trees drop seed and make new trees, animals kinda do the same...
Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Thursday, May 15, 2003 12:04 PM on
it's funny that you mention "fleshy section of life"

However, i couldn't prove to you that astral walks, different planes of existance, astral projection, parallel lines of time, etc. any more than you could prove that there is a sentient god--part of the reason is that since my mind refuses to operate under the parameter that a sentient absolute can exist without a converse, hence how i could explain that even though energy is lost in the mirror example, it's not all lost by a fixed rate--more like a percentage (i.e. you put a candle in an infinitly sized dark--perfectly dark room and move it an infinite distance away from you--even though your eyes can't detect the low-level light, doesn't mean that the candle is out), and thus, you could never truly NOT hit infinity, you just can't percive it--in the same way that in your perception, we can't percieve god.

Back onto the astral walk and parallel timeframe reference. you couldn't see or experince those because it doesn't fit the parameters of your universe (so i'm assuming, knowing well i could be wrong), Wheras for me, if so inclined i could step right into another plane where rules and perceptions are different.

I'm not doubting that there cannot be a god within the parameters you've set for it--it just computes to me as a very low improbability--kinda like how infinity as i've defined it compytes to a very low improbablity to your perception...

Both of us are constrained by the same limit of perception you've so-described. the differecne is that our perceptions don't line up. Thus, I could say something you'd find obsurd, like magic exists, and you'd think i'm a nutjob. but converesly, you could describe god the way you have, and i feel the same way initially. However, i know thatthe universe you percieve is different than the one i percieve, and while it would be great to discuss it some night over a couple of beers, i think in the end all we do is agree to disagree.


Goodbye Callisto & Skađi, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Thursday, May 15, 2003 12:47 PM on
inifinity exsists wherethere or not you choose to believe it. our limited lifespan cannot allow us to understand this really.

will time continue after this planet dies. time is defined by humans, both it's meaning and perameters, however the substance we measure will still exsist after the measurement tool is gone. time has gone on for billions of years before it began being measured as well. looking at stars, black holes and such. a star lives billions of years and goes from white dwarf to red giant then after nova to blackhole. we have obseved nova and supernovas and the first documented one happened durring the dark ages and many feared the end of the world. Continuing space is very vast if not infinate because it was calculated that it took that supernova about 20 years or so for the light to hit earth. space is very vast becuase looking at the sheriacal space theory the nova didnt appear on the other side of the erath maning that either space is infanate or the light, as it went around space for onther large sum of time 20 + howmany years, it wasnt seen, so it is either an infanate space of the light was interrupted.

time transcends our defininition of such and to hahhahahha, again if you believe in heaven you must equivalently believe in infinity because heaven has to end and also has no boundries in order to accomodate the exponentail ammount of souls that await to inhabit it's boundries.

if infinately truely exsisted how would this effect christianity. well heaven and hell would then be able to fill up (hell fatser because you need to retain the population density that allows you to keep souls from being able to see each other) so after they fill up what does God so, perhaps reincarnate because again without infinately he will run out of designs for souls and have to recycle. <br>

-----I slit the sheet the sheet I slit and on the slitted sheet i sit. there I said it.----
Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Monday, May 19, 2003 10:49 AM on
Whoa, I go home for a few days and the post is I have to say something...

Lancer: I suggest you pick up an astronomy magazine one day and look at what is up there... there is so much proof for the evolution of the universe and the fact that it is still changing. Look at the Hubble pix of the Orion nebula... can you deny that in thoise dust clouds there are stars forming? The balls of dust that surround some proto-stars and some clouds that are being blown outward by newborn stars. They are all there in color for you to see. Did you see the pictures of the star Beta Pictoris? There is an accretion disk around the star that will eventually form planets. If this disk of dust does not form planets then why doesn't our Sun have one still? or most other stars? Do you believe that there may be life on one of the dozens of new planets discovered? Out of the billions of galaxies with billions of stars each, I think the chances of finding a planet with the same distance from a Sun-like star with life is very very good. How would you explain God in that situation? Look at supernova... the only ones you see are the "recent" ones. Those are the only ones where you can see actual gas clouds. Where are the old ones you ask? They have disappeared and were used to form new stars and planets. You know neutron stars and black holes? They are the remnant of supernova... they are invisible to the naked eye and drift alone through the universe. We know supernova form them because after the 1987 supernova in the Large Magellanic Cloud, we saw a neutron star where the old star once was... The speed of light.... it takes light years just for our sun's light to get to the NEAREST star Alpha Centauri. Imagine how many light years our galaxy is? Millions..... now take the other galaxies... we aren't tailgating any galaxies are we?? The nearest galaxy is millions of light years from the Milky Way. So just think, light is the fastest thing in the universe that we know of. If the light takes millions of years to reach us, then the Earth and universe must be older than you think... unless you think the speed of light is made up too....

About your hemoglobin thing in dinosaurs....can you provide a source for that because I don't think DNA can survive that long.... they find bugs embedded in amber that they think could have DNA. But even this DNA is too fragmented to do anything with. There may be fossilized DNA in dinosaur bones but it is useless to us. They could not get a sample that would be remotely close to a decent sample... Explain fossilization for me in your logic? Fossil dino bones are actaully rocks, not bone. This rock replaces the organic bone material over millennia and eventually keeps its original shape. This allows it to survive over the years. We have bones from tens of thousands of years ago and even mummies of mammoths from the Ice Age and they are not fossilized... if they lived at the same time why are only dinos and creatures living millions of years ago the only ones fossilized? Why arent there any sub-fossil dinosaur bones? Your tree comment.... if things worked like you say in the flood, everything would have been buried and preserved at once in a short time.... then why do we have only a handful of complete dinosaur skeletons? (the ones in museums are mostly casts of real ones) Why don't we have entire forests of petrified trees? Why arent human bones buried in the smae rock as dinosaurs? I'll tell the case of the petrified tree... you are right they must be buried quickly by sediment or they will rot... but after you are mistaken. The tree is buried in a much less catastrophic event like a flash flood... you see tons of dinosaur bones jumbled in these areas too showing that they died in that one location together... this accomplishes your rapid burial. It cannot rot or erode under the sediment and is compacted and compacted by deposition of sediments. Over time the organic material is replaced by rock and minerals and theres your petrified tree. If there was a global flood then all the forests in the world would be covered and there would be numerous petrified forests all over the world. But there are only a few sites where this has been found.

Again, if there was a global flood, everything would have died since even birds and flying insects need to land. I highly doubt Noah and his handful of followers were picking millions of species of insects out of the Amazonian rainforest. They didnt even know of the Americas back then. Plus the boat would be the size of the state of Rhode Island to house every species in the world. Heard of biodiversity?

I'm sorry but science and common sense have a good argument here...


Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Monday, May 19, 2003 12:09 PM on
<to spit> better yet, if Lancer's going to be at the bash, that would be a perfect time to crack open a cold Kokanee and discuss it. <br>

Goodbye Callisto & Skađi, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Tuesday, May 20, 2003 9:47 AM on
Keeper: haha, yeah right...nothing worse than discussing religion with people...always starts fights lol

Lancer: I find it hard to accept your argument for the reasons I say and also because I know people who are Baptist. They are my cousins so I know how they are. Their kids go to school run by the Church and they have got to be the most nieve kids I've ever seen. I mean they know NOTHING about science. They only believe what the Church and the Bible tells them and nothing else. I mean they can't even watch Discovery or TLC without their parents pre-watching it for them for content! They have no exposure to the amazing discoveries in science and definately cannot have an open mind to it. They seem to be really immature and would not survive if thrown into a public school. They are my cousins and I love them and feel sorry for them that religion is taking over their lives. They have no choices and will have to go to Bob Jones or Pensacola christian college when they are older and work either in the Church or in easy careers. And I'm sure you know of the strict rules that that church has about dress codes and social life. I mean the church looks down at going to movies!! They always try and preach to me and try and convert me, saying its their "mission". It got our family in many fights with that shite. I hope this explains why I don't think Baptists and other Christian fundamentalists have any credibility in arguing evolution vs creation since their whole lives have been dominated by baptist jargon. You say you go to a community college (non-Church run). That's great... but are you a science major? Can you really argue science with a 3rd year marine science major? You've done a good job but I still dont think creation makes ANY sense or has any scientific support at all...


Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Wednesday, May 21, 2003 11:21 AM on
What your cousins are going through is more of a dicipline thing than anything else. It has nothing to do with Christianity. If Baptists promote shutting out science, that's a shame, it really is. The Bible doesn't say everyone has to dress the same or ignore science. Those ideas arn't coming from the Word of God. One can follow the commandments while still doing all the things that your cousins are permitted from doing. This kind of stuff does drive people away from God, and I believe it's driven by satan.

My uncle went to a controlling Catholic school when he was young and now he's a proud athiest along with my aunt. My aunt paints pictures, and has a big one in the living room making fun of Jesus. There are other real weird things all over the house. As you can imagine, I'm saddened by what I see when we visit. I feel like I'm in a house owned by the living dead. I just hope my cousins have an open mind and look beyond their parents for guidance in life. The point of all this is, religion can chew people up and spit them out. Don't get caught in it. Look at what's right.

Albert Einstein said "Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind."

One of the common misconceptions is that the whole debate is science vs. religion. That's not true at all. If you get out of that mindset you will be able to better understand how creation and science work together. Some creationists say it's really science vs. evolution. That sounds like a childish revert of the common misconception, but the more I look into it the more it makes sense. With evolution having so many problems, it's up to evolutionists to prove the theory is right, with scientific facts working against it. It's more than just a few holes in the theory, there are fatal problems. I'm searching for truth. I've considered evolution. Being as open as I can I looked at the facts. If evolution was right, the facts would be stacked up against creation. With evolutionistic dogmas running wild one would think this would be the case and be led to believe it. What do the facts show? How can theories and calculations be thrown off? How can assumptions lead ideas far away from the truth? I was suprized to see that science reveals intelligent design every day.

The way the human mind works when it comes to opinion is, one goes along with the evidences of their opinion or belief, discarding the evidences against it. In an attempt to know instead of believe, holes that are open to refuting are closed, especially if those refutations skew the opinion in another direction, proving itself wrong. People don't like to be wrong. Hard people have hard beliefs and won't listen to what any opposing force has to say. After I've refuted many of the things you have stated with scientific facts, you still come on here and say that creation has no scientific support at all. It seems like a usless effort for me to attempt making you more open minded on this topic. You seem dead set on believing in evolution no matter what. I'm not telling you to be a creationist. I am encouraging you to take a good look at what we're dealing with here. Here are some quotes:

Professor Lovtrup, zoophysiologist at University of Umea " all intents and purposes the theory has been falsified, so why has it not been abandoned? I think the answer to this question is that current evolutionists follow Darwin's example..they refuse to accept falsifying evidence."

Senior Paleontologist Dr. Colin Patterson "One morning I woke up and something had happened in the night...It struck me that I had been working on this stuff for twenty years and there was not one thing I knew about it...I woke up and realized that all my life I had been duped into taking evolution as a revealed truth in some way...evolution not only conveys no knowledge but it seems somehow to convey anti-knowledge."

University of Southhampton biochemist, G. Kerkut "What conclusions, then, can one come to concerning the validity of the various implications of the theory of evolution? If we go back to our initial assumptions it will be seen that the evidence is still lacking for most of them."

I've said so much here, but if you're going to continue to ignore the problems of evolution then you're ignoring me, which means I'm talking to myself. I'm not doing this for fun. This is a wake up call. Nobody with an open mind can state that there's no evidence for creation, nobody. Evolution has attempted to disprove intelligent design but is failing. I'm wondering how you can support evolution with all of the problems of which I've presented that you cannot refute? Instead of addressing these you keep asking "What about this? What about that?" You put the burden on me to explain everything instead of helping your theory of evolution. You're telling me to take a look at science. I have cited so many things from science materials. I tend not to waste my time reading articles that are clouded by false ideas, but I'm definately interested in real scientific observations.

I respect science. It has done wonderful things for our way of living. Men and women make so many sacrifices and work so hard at increasing human knowledge in all areas. There's no denying the observations they have made. There is denying the observations they have not made. Even you can agree to that.

"Fossil dino bones are actaully rocks, not bone"

A recent book, co-authored by a world expert on dinosaurs entitled <i>The Great Dinosaur Mystery Solved!</i>, points out many things about dinosaur bones including this: "Bones do not have to be “turned into stone” to be fossils, and usually most of the original bone is still present in a dinosaur fossil." "The amount of time that it takes for a bone to become completely permineralized is highly variable. If the groundwater is heavily laden with minerals in solution, the process can happen rapidly. Modern bones that fall into mineral springs can become permineralized within a matter of weeks."

Creation magazine lists:

  1. Most fossil dinosaur bones still contain the original bone.
  2. Even when heavily permineralized (‘fossilized’), this does not need to require more than a few weeks. The Creation/Flood scenario for fossilization would allow many centuries for such permineralization to occur, even under less than ideal conditions.
  3. Where bones have not been protected by permineralization, they are sometimes found in a condition which to all intents and purpose looks as if they are at most centuries, not millions of years old.

"We have bones from tens of thousands of years ago and even mummies of mammoths from the Ice Age and they are not fossilized... if they lived at the same time why are only dinos and creatures living millions of years ago the only ones fossilized?"

For one thing, many dinosaur bones are not fossilized. For another thing, dinosaurs and the mammoths were preserved differently. It's not clear how the mammoths died, but they were preserved in permafrost layers. Dinosaurs were not. The food inside the mammoths' stomachs is there because for them the stomach is just a storage area with low amounts of acid. It's digested elsewhere. These kinds of things don't nessessarily seperate them from the age of dinosaurs. By the way there are millions of mammoth fossils, so I have no idea where you're coming from on that one.

"About your hemoglobin thing in dinosaurs....can you provide a source for that"

Research by M. Schweitzer and T. Staedter, "The Real Jurassic Park," <i>Earth</i>, June 1997

"Again, if there was a global flood, everything would have died since even birds and flying insects need to land. I highly doubt Noah and his handful of followers were picking millions of species of insects out of the Amazonian rainforest."

How many times do I have to tell you that species were insignificant back then? Species didn't become apparant until after the flood. Insects don't breathe through nostrils, therefore they didn't need the ark. There are many ways insects could survive a flood. Birds could land on the many pieces of floating debris or on the ark itself.

"I'm sorry but science and common sense have a good argument here..."

Oh yeah? So the universe came from nothing, earth came from nothing and life came from nothing... yeah, that's common sense that'll really go a long way, lol! Again, you think science is against creation. Not once has science disproved or even went against the idea of creation or the stories in the Bible. <br>

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Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Wednesday, May 21, 2003 1:01 PM on
Long one there.....

Le me ask you something... I know you accuse me of not answering YOUR questions. Can you list these "fatal flaws" of evolution for me so I can tackle them... I do not have the literature that you have so I cannot cite creationist texts. I think I addressed many of your questions...

Don't you think that if there WAS scientific evidence for creation that science would have looked at it? I mean if there was undenyable evidence on creation occurring don't you think there would be a show on it or an article in aq reputable science journal. Scientists are always studying things and I'm sure they wouldnt ignore evidence for creation if it existed. Why don't you see any creation articles in Science or Dicover if it is so supported by evidence?

Uhhh... you ignored the whole paragraph about the stars... can't deny any of that can you?

Ok... next up... No, there ius NO organic material in dinosaur bones. In no magazine article I've read has anything been siad about organic material in the dinosaur skeletons. Maybe your creationist literature, but no mainstream science magazine or journal. I've been to plenty of museums and all of the dinosaur bone there is completely permineralized, no mention of organic matter. Don't you think that if organic matter survived we would be activley trying to clone long-extinct life? And if some dinosaurs were fossilized "quickly", don't you think some of the millions of other species would have too? But no...there are no fossils existing in the world that are less than tens of thousands of years ago. Humans are buried everywhere and have died everywhere in every habitat and you see no rapid fossilization with them.

Still no good argument on the ark thing...what about the American creatures? Noah didn't know of America and so couldnt have collected them. They must all have died then? You must not know about the effect of salt on creatures. The insects and birds that were lucky enough to reach floating debris would not have survived all those days and nights at sea. They would have died of exposure or drowned in a couple days. Only the hardiest or luckiest would survive and that surely does not include 2 of every species. Also, what about the ark being the size of Rhode Island? I doubt Noah made a boat that big and had the personnel to keep the animals fed and cared for all those days. After the flood.... speciation did not occurr on the scale you think it did after the flood... if God created everything in the beginning than he could not have added anything later on... that would go against what the Bible says and so would refute creation altogether. What about my Black Sea theory a while back? Isn't that as feasible as your story? Since the world was that small area to a common Middle Eastern man, wouldnt a catastrophic event like the formation of the Black Sea be interpreted as a global flood?

So.. observations in the universe refutes the idea that nothing changed since creation and common sense refutes the idea of an ark because that just wasn't technologically possible to build or able to be done in the time span noted in the Bible. Plus evidence in the fossil record with older life forms in lower layers progressing to modern layers in upper rock layers show us that life started out simple and got more complex over time. C-14 dating can date a recent event that we know of (it dated Egyptian mummies to their correct age) so you'd think that they could extrapolate and date something much older. All evidence of animals from a modern era found with older extinct creatures are the result of geologic uplift or bending/flipping of rock layers by tectonic processes themselves. Or they are just hoaxes placed there by creationists (footprints of dinos and humans together for instance). The idea of island speciation supports evolution in that there are several similar appearing species on different islands, showing that theyare all related to a common ancestor. If God created them you'd think he'd be a little more original and make something completly different at each island...but no, they are all similar. This occurs with birds, snakes, fish, lizards, name it so it is not a random thing. And this is not adaption or selection since the species are all genetically distinct. What about the fact that we share around 98% of our genetic makeup with apes? What happened to all the transitional hominids that existed before us? Is it a coincidence that the hominids seem to be evolving from an ape to an upright man over millions of years. Look at all the bones, the pictures of that are common all over the place.

Enough evidence against creation there?

Again...give me your fatal errors of evolution and I'll try again... lol


Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Wednesday, May 21, 2003 2:01 PM on
Evidence against Global Flood

This should answer all of your questions. You cannot still argue for the Flood after reading all that evidence...


Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Friday, May 23, 2003 2:26 PM on
"Can you list these "fatal flaws" of evolution for me so I can tackle them"

1. No transitional fossils in the fossil record

2. No transitional creatures can survive because they're non-functional

3. No evidence of new genetic information ever being created

4. A living cell requires at least 256 genes, and even that may not be enough -- It's impossible for living matter to come out of non-living matter

5. No explanation for how universal matter can become clustered and organized into galaxies

6. Evolution still has no answer for how something came from nothing

There's a few. Good luck.

"Don't you think that if there WAS scientific evidence for creation that science would have looked at it?"

You have to know what science is all about. It's to gain knowledge of the physical universe. Genuine science is all about observations. The results of those observations are subject to interpretation. Science is indifferent, it just reveals information for intelligent people to look at with their presuppositions.

"I mean if there was undenyable evidence on creation occurring don't you think there would be a show on it or an article in aq reputable science journal"

Perhaps you haven't read articles about how our minds are hard wired to have a connection with God, or about all of the stuff on intelligent design. Science is not one sided, although evolutionists would like you to think this. Perhaps your science journals are by evolutionists. Like I've said before, people would love to know everything, and it would be a big scientific victory to have revealed where we came from. This is why many scientists lean towards evolution. For many this is the big basis for science, to achieve total knowledge and that going along with the theory already out there that's supposed to be the path to complete truth is the way to go when pursuing a science career. This doesn't make the theory of evolution true. You look at evolutionist materials, I look at creationist materials. Ultimately it comes down to two things for both sides: Where did our presuppositions come from? Which set of presuppositions makes more sense?

"Scientists are always studying things and I'm sure they wouldnt ignore evidence for creation if it existed."

Again, you seem to think all scientists are evolutionists.

"Uhhh... you ignored the whole paragraph about the stars... can't deny any of that can you?"

Ok thanks for remindng me, let's take a look...

"Look at the Hubble pix of the Orion nebula... can you deny that in thoise dust clouds there are stars forming?"

Yes I can. Let me first state that there's a strong publicity emphasis surrounding the Hubble Space Telescope. Without such exciting 'new discoveries' coming regularly, the HST could fall under the knife of legislative budget cuts. So discoveries made are exaggerated and assuptuous as usual... typical media for ya. They only tell you what they want you to know. There is no real evidence that stars are forming. The dust pushes its way through the hot gas. Gas along the front edge of the collision compresses and glows hotter. This results in the whitish appearing areas at the edges of the dark 'fingers' of dust. This gas is so hot that it will quickly desperse, giving it no chance of forming stars.

"Did you see the pictures of the star Beta Pictoris? There is an accretion disk around the star that will eventually form planets."

It will eh?

"If this disk of dust does not form planets then why doesn't our Sun have one still?"

Hmm, maybe because your idea of how stars form isn't true.

"Do you believe that there may be life on one of the dozens of new planets discovered? Out of the billions of galaxies with billions of stars each, I think the chances of finding a planet with the same distance from a Sun-like star with life is very very good."

For one thing, I don't think you realise exactly how precise the distance is from the earth to the sun. We're not just talking a few thousand miles here. we're talking millions of miles, and if the distance was any different life wouldn't be possible. For another thing, there are thousands of other variables that are set perfectly for life on this earth. Any variation would destroy the whole thing. The chances of this happening by itself are the same as if you dropped a bucket of quarters and they all came to rest on their sides. Do that 100 trillion times, and I assure you it will never happen. Having the assumption that this will happen as your basis for believing in evolution is off the wall. Even if it did happen, that still doesn't explain how life gets started from non-living materials.

"If the light takes millions of years to reach us, then the Earth and universe must be older than you think... unless you think the speed of light is made up too...."

Here we go with uniformitarianism again. There are many ideas of how we can see stars here on a young earth. Some are very technical while others are not. The Bible said that God lit up the night sky. If God had anything to do with the creation of the universe that would change all of our calculations. Many scientists say the speed of light is slowing down. I'm not sure if that's been proven or not so I'll move on. God could have just beamed the light from the stars here if he wanted to. He doesn't have to sit around and wait millions of years for everything in his creation to fall into place. It started out as a perfect world. Maybe in a perfect world the speed of light is instantaneous. I'm taking a on a biblical point of view here but it can't be ruled out. There is no way of knowing about everything that happened in the past without being there when it happened. You state that evolution has holes that haven't been figured out yet -- creationists don't have a complete knowledge either. That's when faith comes in for both viewpoints. The way I look at it is, only God can know the full truth about everything and we're in no position to even come close.

"No, there ius NO organic material in dinosaur bones. In no magazine article I've read has anything been siad about organic material in the dinosaur skeletons."

Well that's too bad. Here's what evolutionist experts have to say: "An even more spectacular example was found on the North Shore of Alaska, where many thousands of bones lack any significant degree of permineralization. The bones look and feel like old cow bones, and the discoverers of the site did not report it for twenty years because they assumed they were bison, not dinosaur, bones."

"Maybe your creationist literature, but no mainstream science magazine or journal."

It's very profitable. Evolution makes billions of dollars a year. It keeps NASA from going broke. Sure it will be mainstream. People want to think that scientists have figured out everything. Creationists are more short on cash but their message is still getting out to many people. There are a lot of non-profit organizations out there working to spread the truth. Some schools are reviewing their curriculum in terms of the evolution theory. This is good, because with schools pushing this out as fact violence is up and self-worth is down.

"Don't you think that if organic matter survived we would be activley trying to clone long-extinct life?"

There have been ideas thrown around since the 1980s. Some think that we'll be able to do this in a few decades.

"what about the American creatures? Noah didn't know of America and so couldnt have collected them."

Come on man how many times do I have to tell you, the world was one continent back then. Ok?

"if God created everything in the beginning than he could not have added anything later on... that would go against what the Bible says and so would refute creation altogether."

Natural selection doesn't add anything, rather it takes information away.

"What about my Black Sea theory a while back? Isn't that as feasible as your story? Since the world was that small area to a common Middle Eastern man, wouldnt a catastrophic event like the formation of the Black Sea be interpreted as a global flood?"

All over the world, even on the highest mountains we find the remains of dead creatures that have been buried in mud and sand laid down by huge watery catastrophe. These fossils are of marine and terrestrial animals and are buried everywhere. We also find lots of vegetation that has been buried by the Flood, and this has turned to coal and oil and we use it for fuel. Those who discovered evidence for the Black Sea flood needed a historical flood to associate it with, one that would generate a lot of public interest so they picked the biblical flood. There are flood legends in cultures all over the world, not just in the middle east. There's no reason to link the Black Sea with the biblical flood.

"Also, what about the ark being the size of Rhode Island?."

Where did you get that piece of information from? The ark was large but didn't need to be that big.

"You must not know about the effect of salt on creatures."

It's been observed that some invertibrates could have survived the flood outside the ark, possibly on rafts of pumice or tangled vegitation or on driftwood as Darwin suggested. Garden seeds could still sprout after being immersed in salt water for 42 days, and could have traveled 1,400 miles on a typical ocean current.

"evidence in the fossil record with older life forms in lower layers progressing to modern layers in upper rock layers show us that life started out simple and got more complex over time."

How about some proof, something you haven't shown much of. Evolutionists have drawn full transitional creatures from tiny fragments of fossilized bone. I haven't seen any evidence for simple life forms turning complex, transitional fossils or proof of added genetic information.

"If God created them (island species) you'd think he'd be a little more original and make something completly different at each island...but no, they are all similar."

You're not God, how do you know what he thinks? You'd think that perhaps, but what you're saying doesn't support evolution at all. It's shows natural selection, a proven scientific observation.

"What about the fact that we share around 98% of our genetic makeup with apes?"

It's actually 96%. A point often overlooked is the vast differences between different kinds of creatures. Every creature has an encyclopedic information content, so even a small percentage difference means that a lot of information would be required to turn one kind into another. Since humans have an amount of information equivalent to a thousand 500-page books, a 4 percent difference amounts to 40 large books, even if we assume that the hybridization data really correlates to gene sequence similarity. So basically, random mutation plus natural selection is supposed to generate the information equivalent of 12 million words arranged in a meaningful sequence. This is impossible even if we grant the 10 million years evolutionists claim.

"What happened to all the transitional hominids that existed before us?"

What transitional hominids? It is now recognized widely that the australopithecines are not structurally close to being similar to humans. Alleged "ape-men" are various finds of either varieties of real humans or australopithecines. There hasn't been any real evidence that we came from apes. The human fossil record is completely compatible with special creation. In contrast, the human fossil evidence is so contrary to evolution that it effectively falsifies the idea that humans evolved. But perhaps you know something that no one else does and can prove me wrong.

Great source you got there, a Geocities site. I'm not going to spend a ton of time refuting all of that. That's a lot of stuff, but it's littered with errors and assumptions. I added it to my favorites and will take a closer look at it later, thanks. <br>

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Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Friday, May 23, 2003 7:02 PM on

"The chances of this happening by itself are the same as if you dropped a bucket of quarters and they all came to rest on their sides."

It's actually a bucket of pennies, and the chances of them all landing on their edges, not sides. <br>

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Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Friday, May 23, 2003 7:28 PM on
.Great source you got there, a Geocities site. I'm not going to spend a ton of time refuting all of that. That's a lot of stuff, but it's littered with errors and assumptions. I added it to my favorites and will take a closer look at it later, thanks.

I'm sure he didn't make all of that up...although since the site is "geocities" you assume it is false. If you can refute those statements be my guest... he also provides many additional links sprinkled into his personal site if you look closer. You wish you had scientific evidence like he provides for creation.

The whole time you have argued trying to disprove evolution, not proving creation. That's because you can't prove creation, since it is supernatural and based on faith. I'll try and tackle your post now...

"1. No transitional fossils in the fossil record
2. No transitional creatures can survive because they're non-functional
3. No evidence of new genetic information ever being created
4. A living cell requires at least 256 genes, and even that may not be enough -- It's impossible for living matter to come out of non-living matter
5. No explanation for how universal matter can become clustered and organized into galaxies
6. Evolution still has no answer for how something came from nothing"

1. Typical starting argument for creationists. Let me quote from the website..."Do you think you'll find the make and model of your fathers car 300,000 years from now? If I said find a 33 ford today you would have problems even with the people preserving them... use that logic. Now imagine millionbs of years... Do you know the percentage of animals and plants that have been fossilized over the millenia? Not many at all. Imagine the chances of finding a single species after millions of years when the specimen must be in the perfect spot and buried quick enough in perfect conditions to be preserved. Then millions of years later a personb must find that specimen in hundreds of feet of rock in a specific area. Not too good eh? There are not as many large animal fossils around as you seem to think...there are really not that many found for the MILLIONS of individuals living back then. If there was a global flood there would be FAR more fossils of all species and all would be distributed all over the planet (since you believe there was one continent) But no, you find Tyranosaurs only on North America, showing that N. Am was separate from the rest of the land masses back then. Pangea had broken up by the Cretaceous.

2. Oh really? How do you assume they can't survive? Are they missing legs or brains or something? The ancestor of the horse was as small as a dog. I quote, "Again, consider the fossil horses; Hyracotherium lived during the Eocene whereas Equus lived during the Pleistocene and Recent. In intervening rocks, we find a geochronologic succession (Norell & Novacek, 1992) of horse species and genera that exhibit gradual, progressive morphologic change from four toes (digits II - V) to one toe (digit III) on the front feet (Simpson, 1951; Carroll, 1988, p. 533-536; MacFadden, 1992). First, digit V (pinkie) was reduced to a splint and disappeared resulting in horses with three functional toes. Subsequently, digits II and IV (index and ring finger, respectively; flank the middle toe/finger on each side) were reduced in size simultaneously, resulting first in non-functional toes (they did not contact the ground) and ultimately in tiny splints as in the modern horses (Simpson, 1951; Carroll, 1988, p. 533-536; MacFadden, 1992). Significant changes in size and shape of the skull and body, along with teeth morphology, also happened in parallel (Simpson, 1951; Carroll, 1988, p. 533-536; MacFadden, 1992). That is descent with modification, and provides very strong, incontrovertible evidence for evolution." We have fossils from the earliest ancestor of the horse to the modern horse, with all the transitional forms in between... and they all seemed to survive fine... Take the giraffe, elephant, and big cat, all show the same development from ancient ancestor to modern.

3. No, no new genetic information is created, it evolves. Just look at the examples of micro-evolution. This can occur so fast it can be observed in your lifetime. This is how we can build up immunities to disease and how viruses and bacteria can adapt to the antibiotics we throw at it. Genetic material cahnges all the time, that is how we get new species. The only way new genetic material can be created out of the blue is by creation. So that doesnt disprove evolution because we know already that new species don't just pop up. Do you know how minor the genetic difference has to be in two species for them to be separate species? Not much at all. And yes we do share 98% of our genetic makeup with apes... and we are different looking... but do you notice how similar they are to us? Look at something on apes, they almost look human if you look past the fur...

4. Ok, the "odds" argument. Let me throw this out now... "Take a ball 1 trillion miles in diameter. Fill that ball with the letters of the alphabet the size of a molecule. (The letters represent simple molecules that may have formed the same way.) Now, in that trillion mile, 3 dimensional ball, how many words do you think could have been randomly formed? Remember, it has height, depth and width. Millions of words? Billions of words maybe? Maybe even trillions of words... Now how many words would be formed in a way to make a coherent sentence? A million? A billions maybe? It doesn't have to be a perfect sentence. It could just be like "The cat ran to the street." Remember your dealing with a three dimensional crossword puzzle. Now how many coherent books may be made by chance after 15 billion years of shuffling? Keep in mind the letters are the size of a molecule... There are 63 zillion seconds in 2 billion years. How many billions of DNA split each second on earth? A billion maybe? Times that by 63 zillion. My calculator doesn't go that high. 63,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 I think.. maybe more? (I don't even know what that's called.. Quadrillion?) If I showed you 1 zillion dots could you even see them all? Could you tell the difference between 1 zillion dots and 2 zillion dots just by looking at them? With those kinds of numbers it's understandable why humans can't comprehend evolution."
You cannot comprehend that amount of time, you have no idea!

5. Oh really we don't have evidence? You can interpret the Hubble to make it fit your theories how much you wish. They have PROVEN that things are changing in the universe. How do you explain the supernova in the LMC in 1987. A brilliant flash in the galaxy then has faded until today and now it is a cloud of gas and dust. There is a neutron star in the center of the cloud. Really think it doesnt change. There are rogue neutron stars all over the galaxy without any gas clouds. They are all that remains of old supernova. You really believe that God painted the stars in our sky and the light didnt have to travel to reach us? You see the Hubble pictures of the universe. There are galaxies billions of light-years away that appear as pin pricks compared to say Andromeda. They are not really that small in real life are they? We have used the laws of Physics to prove the motion of objects in the universe and the forces interacting between them. You see black holes sucking gas from stars and red giant stars expanding into supergiants and dying as planetary nebula. That is how our Sun will die in a few billion years. How do we know? We see stars in different stages of their lives all over the place? We saw the star in the 1987 LMC supernova explode! In those accretion disks around stars we see balls of dust and gas that will eventually form planets. The laws of physics tell us that when a mass of gas and dust coallesces together it will form a gravitational field. As it grows its gravity increases and forms a planet. The planet is molten and volcanic at first, thats why the Earth didnt have life for 80% of its history. Thats why the outer planets in our solar system are gas, since all the dust and dirt material was drawn clower to the yound Sun by gravity and the inner rocky planets were formed. The gas giants may look big, but they are not dense at all (Saturn is less dense than water!) That's enough there...

6. Oh it didnt come from nothinng
First organic molecules

The first life wasnt just there. The organic molecules and components (N,P,O,C) were already present in the early atmosphere and oceans. These molecules grouped together in bunches, organizing into primitive membranes. As that article says RNA was the precursor to DNA and allowed early cells to replicate themselves. The membrane and RNA together formed the early cells. These cells were very primitive and prokaryotic. Since3 the mitochondria in modern cells have their own DNA it is entirley possible that mitochondria were the ancestors of modern eukarotes and were taken up by eukaryotes to help produce energy. Single celled creatures dominated until 544 million tears ago, when the first multi-celled creatures appeared, mostly colonial singe-cells like alga and sponges. Plus you see NO fossils in ancient rocks of multi-cellular life until late in the Pre-Cambrian.

Ok, there you go, not hard at all. Typical creationist arguments with many holes and assumptions.

I leave with this. TaKe the days of the Inquisition... the Church killed men from dissention with the Church doctrine. This inclued modern views about the universe and life on Earth. When scientists disproved these Church views with the use of telescopes, microscopes, and other techniques, they were silenced at first. But then public views changed and the Church was powerless to argue. Now all of those ideas put forth in the Middle Ages and Renaissance are now common knowledge. Evolution is a recent idea, since the 1800's. It is still a theory. But some religious sects still argue vehemently that it is false despite all the studies. You only see a minority of religious sects still openly rejecting evolution. And a greater number of common people accept it. It is now the only thing taught in schools now. Unfortunately, creationism is a dying "science" and only time will tell when it is disproven. You know there were people like you back in the 1500's denying the existence of genes and the fact that we arent the center of the universe. They didnt know it at the time, but religion was decieving them...


Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Saturday, May 24, 2003 5:13 AM on
"I'm sure he didn't make all of that up...although since the site is "geocities" you assume it is false."

Well it certainly isn't very credible. If this was a scientific work it wouldn't be on Geocities. I can't even find anywhere that says who this guy is.

"If you can refute those statements be my guest... he also provides many additional links sprinkled into his personal site if you look closer. You wish you had scientific evidence like he provides for creation."

You want me to refute an entire website, or even multiple websites, lol! I hardly have enough time for you. That's pretty lame, leaving me with a website to refute. It doesn't work that way. I could throw 6 websites at you along with 74 documents, 2 books and 309 audio sermons on mp3 (4.38 GB, about half discuss science and the Bible, each range from 30 minutes to 2 hours). You want to refute all that for me? I have no shortage of material or evidence backing my views. I'll be purchasing more books in the future on creation science since books contain the best information. There's so much out there. It may be hard to see from the evolutionist presupposition, but it's definately there. If it wasn't there science would have proved the Bible wrong long long ago, but it just can't. This is a book 2,000 years old made by 40 authors from all over the place! Much "proof" of evolution has been rejected since the 1960s, some even before that. It really is a theory in crisis, even though you insist it must be true. You've dodged most of my responses whether you realize it or not. If you're still dead set on evolution then God help you, because I sure can't. Finally you have offered to address something directly related to what I've said. Now that you have done so, I'll show you how wrong you are.

1. Well going along with this mentality, how can anyone come up with a plausable theory with such a small amount of fossils? There are millions of fossils all over the world! Michael Denton points out that 97.7% of living orders of land vertibrates are represented as fossils and 79.1% of living families of land vertebrates -- 87.8% if birds are excluded, as they are less likely to become fossilized." This is a fact. Guess what? No transitional fossils, just a revealed hoax or two. As far as the Tyranosaur fossils only being in North America, I can't find that piece of information anywhere. Even if that's true, it's doesn't prove that those dinosaurs didn't migrate there after the flood. There are a few other possibilities for this stuff in general, but I can't be specific here because I'm unable to locate anything about this.

2. It sounds like they're mixing in natural selection with evolution again. But before I say anything else, how about a quote from renowned evolutionist Stephen Jay Gould who wrote: "The absence of fossil evidence for intermediary stages between major transitions in organic design, indeed our inability, even in our imagination, to construct functional intermediates in many cases, has been a persistent and nagging problem for gradualistic accounts of evolution." and "I regard the failure to find a clear "vector of progress" in life's history as the most puzzling fact of the fossil record". Here's a very basic thought process to keep things short. The inability to imagine functional intermediates is a real problem as Mr. Gould stated. If a bat or bird evolved from a land animal, the transitional forms would have forelimbs that were neither good legs nor good wings. So how would such things be selected? The fragile long limbs of hypothetical halfway stages of bats and pterosaurs would seem more like a hindrance than a help. So yeah, really.

3. Again, when natural selection occurs it's information being taken away in order to create more specialized creatures. It has never been observed that brand new genes not present in past relatives was created or evolved. That's a real smack in the face for evolution right there. So for the sixth time, yes genetic change does occur. You are most definately correct. As far as genetic makeup goes, it's 96% according to the <i>Journal of Molecular Evolution</i>. You wouldn't want to refute one of your journals now would you? Oh gee, we're similar to apes! That must mean we came from them! lol! No evidence, all assumption.

4. This isn't really an odds argument at all, sorry. I'm saying that at least 256 genes are needed for a cell to survive. It's not a matter of chance. How can a cell build up the 256 specially programmed genes needed to live and be living long enough for this "magic process" to happen? It's impossible! I know evolutionists like to think that there's a chance for us to have evolved by throwing really really big numbers around, but not even big numbers can account for this.

5. Astronomer Dr. Danny Faulkner states "stars supposedly condensed out of vast clouds of gas, and it has long been recognized that the clouds don't spontaneously collapse and form stars, they need to be pushed somehow to be started. There have been a number of suggestions to get the process started, and almost all of them require having stars to start out with [e.g.a shockwave from an exploding star causing compression of a nearby gas cloud]. This is the old chicken and egg problem; it can't account for the orign of stars in the first place." You spoke of planets, Mr. Faulkner spoke of stars, which then leads us up to galaxies. Two scientists who say the formation of galaxies by randomness is impossible are Dr. James Trefil and Dr. John Rankin. Everything started out organized and has broken down ever since. This goes along with the idea of a perfect world becoming a fallen world. Nothing ever organizes itself. Everything always has an organizer or creator. 1933 Fords don't put themselves together.

6. Time to zoom out as far as we can and look at the big picture for this finale. "life wasn't just there" Where's there? Did these molecules form from nothingness? Where did atmospheres and oceans come from, nothingness? What kick started all this? Why is it 2003 and not 2002 or 2004? Why is it May and not April or June? Why are we here right now? Evolutionists try to make their idea more believable by coming up with the idea that the universe started as a tiny microscopic dot. Well I don't care how small it is, where did this dot come from? Was it always there? Did it just appear by itself one day? But how can that be if time, space and matter didn't exist? Poof, now it does? All by itself? Wow, impressive. But wait, there's more! This dot blew up into a universe, and formed galaxies, stars, planets and life!!!!! Wow! Saying that the universe started as a dot is basically the same thing as saying that the universe started fully developed. But no, evolutionists can't say that. It would sound as if a god created everything, and they can't go around believing that! They're too good to have been created by a god. Survival of the fittest! We are the greatest! Um... not quite. All this stuff I've mentioned isn't solid evidence for creation!? Like I've said earlier, may God help you.

You'll never see the light if you don't open your eyes and look... <br>

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Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Saturday, May 24, 2003 8:32 AM on
how is natural selection being mixed with evolution differant lancer, you obviously havent read much because darwin's title was "the theory of evolution by means of natural selection" you dont even need to read the book to know that it works that way. darwins theory actually didnt go on to say that he knew where everything came from and that we all came from the same single celled organism, however he did show us a very valid way that organisms refine themselves.

now to say that it is just a theory, having i science background in epidemiology (im a resercher for the U of M) i can tell you that 99 percent of you dont know what a theory is. it's not just a loose idea, cuz that would be a hypothesis. a theory takes into account laws, observation tons and tons of reasearch and more observation, and is tweaked and refined endlessly and then it becomes a theory. and even still it can be refined. so i dont wanna hear anymore just a thoery, the exsistance of gravity is a theory however would you say that that is "just a theory"? just a little question for you.

again i will point to the human genome project and now that it is fully mapped we can all use some examples accurately. my example is on dominent vs recessive trait and their prevelance in the human population. i will assume that we all know what im talking about.

the human genome actually has a dominant trait that put 6 fingers on your hands, the 6th digit is only minimally functional though. Now all you children will then ask "then why doesnt everyone have 6 fingers then" and then think they are cool cuz in their childish mind they proved me wrong they thing but in reality they only prove me right. Natural selection has put this donanat gene into such a small prevelance because it is un unwanted and unnessisary trait. Humans while breeding look for the perfection of the 5 fingered mate and will avoid the 6 fingered mate (even though the 6th finger is usually removed at birth) and hence it's phenotype and geneotype are slowly dissapearing from our population.

funny idea is this happens all the time in nature with all species and humans do it too. throughout all of history any human record, written, skeletal, or otherwise when older then 300 years to 6000 years will show a normal adualt male to be an average height of 5 feet to 5.5 feet tall, and never more. however since the 1800's the adult male skeleton has increased in hieght because of natural selection and this gene becomming more prevalant (this is a donanant gene).

just a could examples of evolution in the observable human species. <br>

-----I slit the sheet the sheet I slit and on the slitted sheet i sit. there I said it.----
Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Saturday, May 24, 2003 9:23 AM on
Rocker, so are you saying that Darwin doesn't support comic evolution, chemical evolution, planetary evolution, organic evolution or macro-evolution? That doesn't seem consistant with what "Darwinians" (as they call themselves) have to say. I have read certain things from Darwin. He was a pretty modest guy, who like you said didn't claim all of what we know as the theory of evolution today. But, everyone needs a god -- so Darwin was chosen I suppose.

On the whole "just a theory" thing, I use that term because that is the popular term used when talking about evolution. I've heard many times of this idea being called a hypothesis, which is technically correct. After all, observations don't seem to help evolution much at all. But obviously different people have different views on this.

The human genome stuff is interesting. The genes for creating tall people are becoming dominant. It's probably related to the many things that have changed exponentially since 1800. That's definately worth looking into. <br>

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Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Saturday, May 24, 2003 9:54 AM on
I hope you don't mean your "God help you" comment in a negative way. Because although I believe in evolution, I fully believe in God and the fact that I am going to heaven when I die. I am one of the nicest and most moral person I know. What about the countless others that believe in evolution? Are they evil?

You seem to think that creation "science" is a major movement and you do your best to support it by throwing out all of this information. If this movement had any credibility I'm sure there would be more acceptance in the mainstream scientific community. For all the websites and books you have there are dozens of pro-evolution sites and books. Yeah you are right they have their own following, but can you give me the percentage of people in the country that actually believe in your literature. Most likely Christian groups like Baptists and old people that take the Bible way too literally. You say the Bible is not an encyclopedia and textbook then how your scientists can assume all this. People can twist facts around to fit their beliefs no matter what. I can say one thing and you can find fault in it.

Believe me I can imagine that everything was made by God. It is not hard to imagine and believe. But think about it, nature is way more complicated than that. You think all of it: trilobites, armored fish, dinosaurs, mammoths, humans: all occurred together? Think of it, that is just funny! Common sense: the ark. You think that dinosaurs were on the ark with mammals? Are you kidding? They would kill everything on board. Noah didnt have electric fences and concrete reinforced pens. He had a wooden boat and thats it. If no species were created after the flood, then the millions and millions of species on Earth would have to be on the ark. Imagine he time that would take to do that? What happened if God told YOU and a few friends to do that? You think it could happen? No, you couldnt even collect everything in North America. The ark would have to be large enough to see from space to fit all those animals! What about the mass extinction of sea creatures? You ignore this... how can a flood kill sea creatures? Flooding cannot cause geologic change there is no evidence at all of this. There is no worldwide blanket of sediment from the flood with all animals of all periods in it.... there are areas with heavier sediments layers on top of lighter ones, if everything was in water than its impossible since heavier sinks first. Read that anti-flood link and try and refute just that.... you can't refure existing evidence that you can actually go out and observe!

1. Ok, millions of fossils do exist, but much less in collections. Still a lot in your eyes but think of it... there were millions of say Tyranosaurs in N. America when they existed.... even if there are millions of fossils that means that those millions have to represent the millions and millions of species on the Earth since it first appeared. Simple math means that most larger creatures will be known from one to a few fossils and many more are still unknown. Notice that marine life is fAR more represented in the fossil record. That is because they were far more numerous and widespread in the ancient sea and had better chance to be buried. Dinosaur specimens are far more rare since they are larger but they also had large populations. If a flood occurred then we'd see equal abundance of sea creatures and land creatures preserved. That is not the case... And do a Google search on Tyranosaurs...they are only found on North America. If you think they spread after the flood then they were collected on the ark.. LOL... imagine Tyranosaurs on the ark! Jurassic Park! hahaha
Why not say the flood killed the dinosaurs? Much cleaner, but no you'd have to go back and refute yourself...

2. Well this natural selection thing again. You say that it is separate and I say it is part. You can just as easily separate selection from evolution to fit your beliefs. But how do you justify splitting it? I studied evolution in a class and the whole time natural selection was an integral part. And I'm sure the textbook and professor was learned on the subject. But you agree with selection, which is a PART of evolution but since you believe in creation, you remove it from the theory and put it in yours. It works out since selection alone isn't evolution..just like you always say. When put back where it belongs it can fit evolution TOO. Who are you to say that it doesnt? Yeah selection ISN'T evolution, but it is a major factor in it. Modification of the genetic makeup of a creature will produce a mutation. This mutation often increases the creatures ability to survive, get food, or reproduce. And yes, that is the meaning of life for most of the life on this planet, to reproduce. Say the population was isolated, at an island. The normal variations within a population may not apply there and one variation may dominate over another. Over time with no genetic mixing with the parent population, the island population will become distinct from the old species. This is called a sub-species. You see this all over the world on islands and even mountains. The water and lowlands serve as barriers. I've explained this a ton of times and you always say the same thing in reply that it's selection. But no, there is genetic change and change in physical appearance, and a new species. Evolution.

3. You are right that new genetic material doesnt just pop up in the DNA out of the blue. Modifications of the DNA will cause change in physical appearance. If the gene is modified over generation and generation it will look nothing like the ancestral creature. You have no idea how gradual the change is...inperceptable... a new structure doesnt just appear one day...Look at the Bombardier Beetle example to explain my point. It is so gradual that the acquistion of a trait takes a LONG time. Your lifetime or those of your creationists isn't enough to observe evolution on a large scale. So you find it easy to dismiss as impossible. Or you are just afraid that things could be different from the Bible and actually complicated.

4. That was meant to show you that in that amount of time and with that amount of molecules, that it is fully possible to produce organic molecules and the arrangements necessary for life. Over the billions of years after the Earth's formation, there was plenty of time to experiment. It happened that the membrane bound cell worked the best. After the cell formed, then they could gather together and evolve new ways to work together for the common good. Again, you have no idea of how long a million or billion years is. Plenty can happen in that time. All of this experimentation wasn't good though, they were just eliminated due to selection. Only the ones that worked survived the eons... the others disappeared...

5. Ok then... can't you believe that God created that matter that became the Big Bang. Doesnt that mean that he did create it all in the beginning? Fits the Bible doesn't it? I mean you have to look at it abstractly but all of the things God created on all the days were made then, weren't they. Matter is not created or destroyed so the matter coming out of the Big Bang eventually ened up in our bodies. Could be... I cannot refute that... God could have created Evolution, you thought of that? He also could have created all the laws of Physics and Nature.. I can't refute that... how is this not as possible as the literal story?

6. Given my example above, it is fairly easy for a simple cell to form after billions of years of experimentation. The Earth was molten and volcanic with a poisonous atmosphere at the beginning. But things changed... as the Earth cooled, volcanoes released gases into the atmosphere that included water vapor and CO2. Comets were constantly hitting the Earth from space since it was still teeming with material from the Earth's formation. These are mostly made of of ice and hit the Earth, adding more water vapor. This condensed in the clouds and formed rain. Well in your flood it didnt take long to cover the Earth so I'm guessing rain like that can fill an ocean basin pretty fast. As the Earth got older, the impacts lessened and a water cycle developed to recycle water. Well this ocean was a promordial soup of molecules that over the billions of years, formed simple cells. Notice that the fossil record progressing from very simple to complex. Certain creatures, like sharks, were able to survive since the design is able to adapt to very diverse habitats. So this is possible... there is a lot on this topic in textbooks.

What about this... from the site....
"Isn't a God more complex than a human? Where did IT come from?" I said. I was ready for reply #2 and he didn't disappoint. "God didn't have to be made, it was here all along. It is eternal and infinite." To which I said "So why can't I say the laws of Natural Selection/Evolution have always been here? At least there is evidence of evolution, there is none for a God." The response was that glassy eyed "Yeah right!" as he told me of the ridiculousness of coming from ape. "You believe you came from an APE! HEHEHE" I replied as I pointed to the women helper with him "And you believe you came from a spare rib? HAHAHA! ("Ge:2:22: And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.) Think about it... That wouldn't even fly as a Star Trek movie." There is mountains of evidence to support humans came from primates but NONE that suggest a women is a rib. The FACT that 98.7% of human and primate DNA is the same. The fact that our DNA is more similar to chimps than chimps to gorillas is a widely known FACT.
The women quickly walked off my porch and looked at me as if she was looking at the devil himself. She actually wouldn't go back on the porch after that.
Those are the people that are associated with you... you don't see evolutionists going door to door to try and convert people. That is because we are not threatened by these religious types. You are the one threatened by us and you are desperate to change it. Thats why you don't get taken seriously. Some of it (Global Flood) is so implausible that it is funny...

You'll never realize the truth if you don't open your MIND and look...


Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Saturday, May 24, 2003 10:15 AM on
You keep saying there is no evidence for evolution. Well on this "geocities" site alone there is plenty of evidence for evolution and plenty refuting creation and the Flood. Read some of it or the links...

If you look at it that way, where is the evidence for God? Why does God let a good person die in a car crash, why does he give the priest cancer, why does he let women get raped, how do you explain unfortunate things that happen to good people? I'm not denying the existence of God, but I'm trying to use your argument against you...


Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Saturday, May 24, 2003 11:36 AM on
actually mixing several texts, including the bible, the satanic equivilant (yes i realize it was written by a narssissist) scientific text and the koran and whatever else i could get my hands on at the time i wrote a paper on my findings. basically to sum it up:

human history and it's relitivity to the book of genisis:

basically as i believe it to have started is adam and eve were created the first yes, the only no. because essentially if they were the only 2 then humans would have later evolved (God forbid) to where inbreading results in defect. with the several "adams" and "eves" breeding began and our first villian able went off to rain in mesopotamia or as the cleargy know it "babylon". mad at the corruption of a civilization of evil acts (started by a murderer what do you expect) God then flooded the "world" at this time only consisting of what was known and hence able to be documented but turns out to only be the region currently known as the middle east. if noah truely exsisted, which i dont doubt. however noah only brough of course 2 of every animal he knew to exsist, and well since many other regions remained unflooded all those he didnt know of were fine and eventually migrated back to the once flooded region. noah i will assume knew of the fallowing examples of animals: cattle, sheep, dogs, cats, goats, mules, horses, ect. of course looking at reality if the whole world flooded that would kill fresh water aquatic life since they cant live in a salt enviroment and im more then certain that the arc didnt have aqauriums with oxygen enriching machines.

once the flood susided survivers migrated back to the rigion, noah continued his normal life and all was well again, including an incest free genepool, except of course for egyption nables who practiced it with great frequency.

how do you like my little story?

-----I slit the sheet the sheet I slit and on the slitted sheet i sit. there I said it.----
Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Saturday, May 24, 2003 12:35 PM on
Rocker: Exactly my opinion of how the story goes... but Lancer won't agree with you. Adam and Eve may have existed but 2 individuals is too little to carry on the species. You need genetic diversity= many individuals. Same argument with the ark. If the flood was just in the MidEast, the situation would be plausible since most of the species living in that area lived elsewhere and could have replenished the area after the flood... this plus the many other impossibilities of the ark make our view more logical...

5 more posts, I'm gonna have to slow down a little...


Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Saturday, May 24, 2003 11:50 PM on
SPITfire not to sound harsh or anything but I don't feel it's worth refuting the stuff you said again. I find myself repeating the same things over and over again. We're going in circles and it's making me tired as I'm sure it is for you. A lot of things you say I can reverse and direct against you, like when you say there's no evidence for creation and a ton of evidence for evolution, look at this or that site blah blah blah... plus you're running out of posts and shouldn't have to burn them all in this thread just to get the last say in everything. This has turned into a childish game. I will say a small handful of things.

You can't just assume how everything was back when Noah was around. Also remember the guy was 500 years old. Without modern technology to get caught up in and being outdoors all the time, I think he knew a little bit about animals. Heck, someone 100 years old is considered a youth according to Genesis when people lived to be 900 years old. If God coordinated the whole flood which he did, things would fall the way the Bible said they did, and they way you see things today. Obviously supernatural forces were at work at the time. Can I sit here and explain supernatural forces to you? Of course not, we can only relate to what we have observed in our lives. You can't just look at what's physical and tell exactly what happened back then. This is where we hit a brick wall. Our knowledge stops right there.

Considering that Adam and Eve had the genes for the traits of every human you see today, that's pretty diverse right there. Again what you know today wasn't the same back then.

I won't agree or disagree with your story rocker. There are problems I have with it however. God specifically told Noah that He was to flood the whole earth, with everything on earth perishing. Even from Noah's perspective, these were still the words of God himself. What does this mean then, that God was lying? If this is the case, the entire Bible has a domino effect like I spoke of earlier, where basically all reason for believing that Jesus died for your sins vanishes. Now you're blowing off the most prophetic and supernatural book in the world.

Rocker unless you're saying that Adam and Eve came from apes, you're going along with the idea that particle to man evolution never happened. If that's the case, what's SPITfire doing agreeing with you? I'm just wondering where you two are coming from here.

"it is fully possible to produce organic molecules and the arrangements necessary for life. Over the billions of years after the Earth's formation, there was plenty of time to experiment."

I thought this was funny and wanted to bring it up. Again SPITfire you're using big numbers in an attempt to make evolution more believable. Take a good look at what we're dealing with here. Where do the programmed genes come from? Maybe you have a real explaination of how a dead piece of material can aquire a significant and specific amount of genetics just right to kick start life, and then somehow have that organism get nourishment by consuming dead rocks. How can this organism have enough genetic diversity (an argument you like to use) to successfully reproduce? There's 4 fatal problems in a nutshell.

Anyway, I hope you're both enjoying your holiday weekend. Don't spend all of it in front of your computers <br>

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Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Sunday, May 25, 2003 9:12 AM on
I hope this can be my last...

Well, I keep repeating the same things because you cannot come up with a plausible explanation for a lot of it. Or else your explanations are far fetched. I just do not believe it. And saying I am trying to get the last word in is wrong too because you bring up new things everytime you post that I have to remark on. Yes this is going round in circles like a childish game since no one else wants to argue this post. I am getting sick of wasting time posting on this as well... lets make your reply to this the end of our involvement then...

900 years old? Another implausibility there... no one has ever lived that old in history. People back then died younger than they do today. You only accept these ideas because it is the word of God. Suppose the Bible didnt exist... and some guy wrote a book with all of this... you'd have to admit that it sounds a lot like science fiction.... but no, you cannot deny anything at all in the supposed literal Bible. And just because some of it is false doesnt mean it ALL is. I believe in the entire New Testament and most of the Old. Just the scientifically and technologically impossible stuff I do not agree with. If you believe in the supernatural, do you believe in ghosts, ESP, and the bermuda triangle? Aliens?

The Adam and Eve thing I'll leave alone.... but I think Rocker means that we did not come from 2 individuals... there were many many "adam and eves" all over the world, the first Homo Sapiens. We then diversified and replaced early humans lime Neanderthals. Adam and Eve should not be taken literally...

I throw big numbers out there since you cannot comrehend that amount of time... time is the major requirement for evolution and it is imperceptibly slow. Maybe seeing all the zeros will let you know how many years we are talking about here. Did you even read the Bombardier beetle example to see waht I mean?

To finish this off, this was supposed to be a debate... and it lived up to But why do you have to get off these jabs at me personally (the first paragraph) to make yourself look so smart and me stupid? Those insults do more to hurt you that me. We are both intelligent here and we both have our own opinions. I am just using common knowledge to try and counter you. And I think my idea is as believable as you consider yours to be. If I said anything that you interpreted as an insult, then sorry. Let's just leave it at that then, like any debate on religion, it will get us nowhere. Creation vs. evolution will remain just that for now.

Enjoy your weekend...


Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Sunday, May 25, 2003 9:49 PM on
Sorry bud, I wasn't trying to be hostile in that first paragraph. You respond so fast and never let my posts ride for a while It's very hard to open this page and see yet another 5 paragraph response from you. I admit, I'm very tired. Heck, one night I stayed up late making a post and lost an hour and a half of sleep just to get another good post out when I had to work the next day. I guess sometimes one can get too involved in something.

"900 years old? Another implausibility there... no one has ever lived that old in history."

I just wanted to comment on this real quick. How do you know people didn't live this long? Same thing as I said before, you don't know how things were like back then. The Bible says we'll live 1,000 years on a new earth with Jesus. So this could be the life span of a human body in a perfect world. If the world was just cursed, it's effect would encompass the earth slowly. People would only live 900 years, then 800 years, then 700 and so on. Eventually disease would become widespread and kill people at the age of 40. I would have died from a facial infection a year ago if it wasn't for the medical knowledge we have today (2 front teeth got root canaled and I had a hole drilled in my mouth while I was sedated). Taking strong pain killers at work was so much fun. Anyway, now that we can combat disease the average life span has gone up again and may continue to do so. Still we are far from perfect -- we could never get the lifespan back up to 1,000 years. That's a good thing too. Who would want to live in this world of hurt and pain for 1,000 years?

"time is the major requirement for evolution and it is imperceptibly slow"

To me that seems like a very convenient proposition for evolutionists to make since we can't see any real evidence of evolution from living creatures. I don't see how anyone can look at something physical and come up with an unthinkable time span for how old it is. It's just like when astronomers use techniques to measure how far away a star is. We plot one point on the position of the earth, then plot another point half a year later when the world is on the opposite side of it's orbit. How is that going to be even near accurate by plotting two points that are basically on top of each other (on a scale including the star) to come up with the triangular calculation? It's just educated guesswork that means well. We can guess and check our way through a theory to refine it. Evolution can only be refined so much until we get to the point where the evidence won't tell us anything else. No amount of calculations will bring us any closer to the truth at that point. There is a wall between us and truth. This is how the devil is able to deceive many. Man can't comprehend a million years or a billion years. Who are we to come up with such big numbers for a time span? We've only been in existance for around 7,000 years!

Both creationism and evolution are hard for us to comprehend. The fact that we exist seems supernatural. My grandmother is positive that she sees ghosts, but she's on anti-depressants. I'm not sure what to think about that -- I suppose you can't rule out the possibility of ghosts, even if it does sound silly. Some of the things in the Bible sound silly to us, but we can't rule them out either. You can find evidence that goes against it, but it still doesn't prove anything. While I find it hard to accept particle-to-man evolution, I suppose that can't ruled out either, even though I feel there is strong evidence against it. This is why debates of this nature can go on forever with no real end. This same debate will be happening 100 years from now with a new generation. Evolutionists will be saying that the world is 5.24739432666512293 billion years old and creationists will be saying "yeah right... see, that figure's even got the mark of the devil in it".

Well, looks like this short post got lengthy, heh. Well it's disclaimer time. Everything I said in this post are my thoughts of reasoning and I don't claim them to be fact. Therefore it would be silly for anyone to accuse me of being wrong in this post. If any latecomers want to refute anything I said earlier in this thread, well you're too late... don't try pulling me back into this -- I'm sure SPITfire would like to say the same thing. This thread will be floating around for a while longer so by saying these things we can cover ourselves and jump out of this endless debate.

Well SPITfire, rocker, Hahahaha, and KOTL, unless you guys have anything else to say that requires a response from me I'm done here (I hope lol). At least none of us have ruled out a god and most believe in a definate god. Hopefully agnostics will find their way to truth and happiness, not hopelessness and despair. Everyone should always have an answer for their beliefs. It's a good practice of open-mindedness, and for any christians in here the Bible says it as well.

We have all become more knowledgable by having this successful debate. <br>

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Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Monday, May 26, 2003 1:18 PM on
well god said the whole world but alot of the world was unheard of so im sure god said the whole world meaning what they knew it as, i think if he said the "whole world" as we know it he would get an endless bombardment of questions:

what is over there? other contintents? poles? if he led them to know more through this, t hings would have got discovered alot sooner, if God ever said what he knew, the church would have never assumed the world to be flat, or that the earth was the center of the universe, he "talks in the bible" to the understanding of the people at that time, so whole world then, and whole world now, actually have 2 completely differant meaning, as do most everything else, and also it would have been impossible for alot of the things you believe to be possible i wont go into em, cuz im tired and sick of this, and i havent slept in a few days,


-----I slit the sheet the sheet I slit and on the slitted sheet i sit. there I said it.----
Re: How bout this- Evolution vs Creationism
Monday, May 26, 2003 2:41 PM on
Damn you guys are long winded!

Creationism is a bunch of D&D fictional horsesh*t. I mean i know people follow jesus and his dad because, well... a book told them to. (god forbid they read the Shining) And screw scientists with all thier "facts" and "evidence" cuz you know thats just a bunch of crap. Everyone knows it was a snake in a tree. thats how the world started, a snake in a tree. But one thing the bible does seem to leave out is all the incest and the mother f*cking going on. because you know for the world to start out with just two people there was a WHOOOLE lot of mother f*cking going on. So yeah we can argue about creationsim and evolution forever, f*ck it we'll just get together and have a big tug of war, and whoever wins is right. thats how we'll figure it out, and it makes just about as much sense. <br>

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